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What are Hazardous Materials

Posted on May 8, 2022 in Dumpster Rentals Wellness

Hazardous Materials Explained

Hazardous materials are chemicals, and substances that are capable of posing health hazards, environmental hazards and economic or societal impacts when improperly managed.

Because of their danger hazardous materials must be handled carefully. This can be difficult, as the definition of hazardous materials changes constantly as new materials are produced and regulated. Regular dumpster Rentals normally are not allowed to carry hazardous materials.

Hazardous materials can be found everywhere and have a broad range of impacts. The materials that may be considered hazardous depend on the type of industry and its goals.

How to store Hazardous Materials

When it comes to storing hazardous materials, it’s important to follow step-by-step instructions. First, make sure the place where you’re storing them is clean and safe. Second, be sure to read the label on the container, if applicable. Third, it is best to store liquids in smaller containers and powders in larger ones.

Fourth, it’s best to keep them in a cool place away from humidity. Fifth, label each container with it’s content and time of storage. The more you know about properly storing hazardous materials, the safer you and your home will be.

The rules for storing hazardous materials and handling them correctly are very important. This is why it is crucial to get your materials safely and securely. First, try to organize the area where you plan to store the materials.

You should create a layout that has the materials spread out and is easy to see. Next, you should label each material and be sure that everyone in your home knows what the labels mean. Finally, keep the area safe by making sure it’s not at risk of flooding, fire, or other natural disasters. If you follow these tips, you will have a safe area to store your materials.

How hazardous materials are determined

Hazardous materials are wastes that can be a serious threat to health and safety. They’re governed by laws and ordinances that regulate how people handle them and what level of training is required. To determine whether something is hazardous, the people who work in the industry must use a risk-based identification system.

First, the worker must know the hazard class of the material. Then, the worker must know the specific formula, product identifier, and trade name. Then, the worker must know the end use of the product. Then, the worker must know the control measures for the product.

Hazardous materials are used in which industries

Hazardous materials are used in many industries; construction, health care, manufacturing, oil and gas, dumpster rentals and transportation. Every industry is affected by hazardous materials in some way. In the transportation industry, airplanes, trains and ships use hazardous materials to keep things running smoothly and safely.

In construction and manufacturing, hazardous materials are used to make the products that are shipped in the transportation industry. In the oil and gas industry, hazardous materials are used when the crude oil is extracted. In health care, hazardous materials are used in medical and dental procedures. And, of course, all of these industries can be affected by hazardous materials in the event of an accident.

How to manage hazardous materials

Whenever you are dealing with hazardous materials, it’s important to be aware of the potential dangers involved. First, you should make sure that you have the right equipment to handle the situation. If you don’t have the proper attire or cleaning materials, you could be harming the health of anyone nearby. Next, make sure that you are storing the substances properly.

Improper storage of hazardous materials can lead to increased risks, and this is why it is not allowed to load them in a dumpster rental. When you are storing them, using airtight containers is a good idea. When you are transporting them, make sure that you are also following the proper regulations. In the USA these regulations vary from state to state, so make sure you are familiar with the rules of your location. Just remember to use caution when dealing with hazardous materials.

What are the benefits of managing hazardous materials

There are many benefits to controlling and managing hazardous materials such as oil and gas. The first of which is employee safety. A business will want to keep their employees as safe as possible. By using a specialized waste management service, you can safely and efficiently manage your hazardous materials. You can also save money by receiving rebates or credits for the hazardous materials that are properly managed and disposed.

There are a few reasons why hazardous materials are hazardous. From the chemical properties to the physical hazards that they can pose, there are many reasons why you should hire a waste management professional to manage them.

When you’re handling hazardous wastes and chemicals, it’s important to know what their chemical make-up is in case you need to be exposed to them. You also need to know their possible reactions to other chemicals. You should hire a professional to manage your hazardous wastes because they’ll dispose of them properly in a way that protects your property and workers.

What are the consequences of mismanaging hazardous materials

There are many consequences to mismanaging hazardous materials. Not only will you have to clean up the mess, but it could also ruin your home and cause you to lose money. It’s also a risk to your health, as you might breathe it in and get sick. There are quite a few important considerations to make when dealing with hazardous materials.

Managing hazardous materials should be a priority for every organization. Wether you work in the industry or not, it is better to know what hazardous materials are and how to keep yourself and others safe from them.

Wilmington waste management

Posted on March 2, 2022 in Wellness

Wilmington Dumpster Rentals Center is a local waste management company from North Carolina. They have been growing steadily since their creation in 1999, offering dumpster rentals, recycling and junk disposal services to the local community. Here we have a look at some of their main competitors in the waste disposal niche in the USA.

No. 3 Republic Services Inc.

Republic Services (Florida) is another example of the speed of supply transformation. Founded only in 1995, this company pursues an active policy of acquisitions on the non-toxic waste market alone. It is experiencing rapid growth and has risen to third place with a turnover of $ 1.84bn.

Its IPO dates from July 1998. It has established itself in the strong growth states of the sunbelt and seeks to raise its rate of integration by supplementing its own collection contracts with landfills. In 1999, according to a practice that is becoming widespread, it exchanges assets with the two majors: Waste management (16 landfills, 11 transfer stations and more than 130 collection circuits) and Allied-BFI.

No. 4 Superior Services

In June 1999, the American subsidiary of Onyx (Vivendi) acquired the number 4 in the waste sector, Superior Services, for an amount of $1bn.

It is a Milwaukee company with 750,000 customers in the Midwestern states. It was incorporated in 1993 and was not floated on the stock market until March 1996. Since then, it has developed through external growth that can be described as reasonable compared to other competitors, as evidenced by the increase in its turnover.

With the acquisition that same year of the special waste and liquid waste activities of Waste Management, Onyx rose to fourth place among household waste companies with $500 million in activity.

Laidlaw – Safety Kleen

Laidlaw is another representative figure in the sector. Around 1990 it was considered the third firm in the sector after Waste Management and BFI; then, following setbacks, it refocused on the industrial and hazardous waste segment before once again encountering serious difficulties.

This firm of Burlington (Ontario) was created around 1959 by Mr. de Groote who developed it in school transport and then in waste. It was bought in 1988 by the large Canadian group Canadian Pacific (Montreal) diversified in transport, energy, forest products, real estate, hotels.

CP, transport and energy group is in 1997 another growing waste management company. The strong growth announced at the end of the 1980s in the waste sector did not occur. Laidlaw combines the problems through two subsidiaries: ADT (security) and Attwoods (waste).

The latter operates on the English market for 25% of its activity; its Deputy Chairman was then Sir Denis Thatcher (husband of the English Prime Minister). These companies face regulatory compliance issues.

Attwoods experienced several lawsuits in 1991 (Florida, Maryland, Montreal), the most important of which followed a Pentagon investigation concerning illicit invoicing by the South Carolina subsidiary. This lawsuit will reinforce certain accusations alleging links between the Mafia and Industrial Waste Services. The company’s reputation will suffer. In addition, the subsidiary specializing in metal recycling has to deal with a fall in prices which is causing significant losses.

Laidlaw experiences repeated setbacks and remains the problem subsidiary of the Canadian Pacific group. This led to the sale of Attwoods in 1994 (taken over by BFI), then to that of ADT in 1995 (sold to a Kansas electrician, Western Union). However, the group is not withdrawing from the waste market. It strengthened its position in hazardous waste by taking over landfills and incineration plants from the Union Pacific railroad company. The activity thus earns $800m/year.

In 1997, Laidlaw acquired Rollins Environmental Services, to form by combining the assets of its hazardous waste division a new entity: Laidlaw Environmental Services Inc, which operates in three segments: i) collection for industry and local communities, ii) treatment (heat treatment and special services) and disposal, iii) interventions in Europe.

A year later, still pursuing an external growth strategy, Laidlaw Environmental is fighting a $2bn battle pitting it against Philip Services for control of Safety Kleen. The confrontation will quickly end because the second protagonist, weakened by irregularities in his metal trading activity, will not be able to mount the $1.35bn loan that would allow him to win the offer.

What is managing and treating waste

Posted on June 20, 2021 in Wellness

The few reasons for waste management are:
– The quantitative growth of the waste produced, parallel to that of the level of life; these can invade us if no action is taken to reverse this trend
– On the financial level, the various pollution caused to the environment by the waste disposal is expensive. By managing waste it is possible, therefore, to take into account the effects on the environment …

Also, managing waste means ensuring its removal and treatment. This is therefore, an ongoing process throughout the entire lifecycle of such waste. And this process is based on three stages: prevention, recycling and disposal.

In one first step, waste must be reduced or avoided, then recycled as much as possible and finally only dispose of them in an environmentally friendly manner when they gave all usage they could. It is not just a question of ensuring a safe downstream disposal, but also to modify production processes by upstream through the use of clean technologies, and recovery of waste.

But to achieve optimal waste management, there are other parameters among these three stages: collection and sorting play a strategic role, waste transfers, information, as well as research into new technologies. According to the waste management and recycling experts at Philadelphia dumpster rentals, waste disposal requires a new approach to face the challenges of the future and avoid a soon to come crisis.

Thus, a global waste management policy can be based on following the definition: “a coherent set of measures concerning both design, manufacture and use of products that recover and waste disposal and aimed at reducing in the most efficient and the nuisances and costs generated by waste.

Gone are the days when it was enough to throw household waste away from society and forget about them. Today, if we set aside recycling (storage at short term), there are three main methods of waste treatment: composting (return to earth), incineration and landfill.

But, this waste of all kinds is difficult to manage given their quantitative and qualitative development and the extension of legal rules that involve greater technicality in the development of incineration, storage or recovery, justify this growing need for treatment. The factors of the increase in waste have already been described, they are therefore well known and are compatible with the production and consumption of mass.

In addition, treatment is understood to mean any process which tends to make the less voluminous waste and above all less polluting for the environment and health of humans. The treatment of household waste is essential for a reason of elementary health.

Also, treating waste allows it, on the one hand, to be buried so as not to generate nuisances and to be separated from cycles so as not to not disturb them, on the other hand, to be rejected in the surrounding environment without creating however additional pollution.

If the waste material necessarily ends up in one of these routes, it can previously be reintroduced into the circuits of production, distribution or consumption, before becoming waste again: there is thus waste recovery.


Why Artists Should Consider Using Mattress Coupons

Posted on December 23, 2018 in Wellness

artist on mattress
If you are an artist, and you are looking for a new bed, you may want to start with simply replacing your mattresses. This could save you a substantial amount of money if you already have the bed frame. There are many ways that you can find these discounts. In some cases, you will locate mattress coupons on the web, and you may also find them in your local paper. There are many reasons why an artist should consider using mattress coupons in order to get a substantial discount on a new mattress that they would like to buy.

Artists Do Not Make a Lot of Money

Although there are many artists that are well-known, the clear majority of the most popular ones are few and far between, or they are deceased. These individuals may have incredible talent, but that does not mean that people are purchasing the paintings, or sketches, that they are producing. The life of an artist is not one that typically revolves around having copious amounts of money rolling in. Therefore, an artist should look for Layla mattress coupon codes if they do not have consistent income coming in.

Artists Can Be Very Picky

One of the enduring traits of an artist is that they can be quite different from the average person, an individual that has a very specific taste. They may be looking for a mattress that is unique, one that will conform to their body, or has an appearance that they are partial to. In some cases, as they are doing the research, they should be able to find coupons or discount codes on these exact mattresses. It is their desire to find something that fits their criteria that will often allow them to locate promotional codes for these mattresses that they would like to buy.

Artists Can Be Frugal

Another quality that an artist may have is that they are going to be frugal. This is true for both those that make a lot of money, and for those that do not. Obviously, those that have limited income will be looking for promotional codes and coupons as mentioned above. However, for those that have plenty of money, it is because of their frugality that they may not consider purchasing a new mattress even if they need one. That is because the cost of mattresses can be quite high, going into the thousands of dollars. If they are able to find and use a mattress coupon, this will allow them to feel much better about making such a large purchase.

For all of these reasons, and many more, and artist should use a mattress coupon if they need to replace the mattress that they currently have. The cost of the mattress, and it’s overall appearance, may give them pause in purchasing one even if they need it. Artists should also get plenty of sleep so that their creative nature can have more inspiration. Finally, most artists are not going to be incredibly wealthy, and finding a mattress that can be purchased with a discount code will be beneficial for them and their financial situation.


Be Happier Today & Healthier Tomorrow

Posted on December 15, 2018 in Wellness

It is likely that you’ve read, scanned or relegated to the trash-bin hundreds, if not thousands, of messages like this. However, I’d like you to take several minutes to move through this one. Why?

One, there is levity herein. I find that many self-help posts, and self-help advocates take themselves entirely too seriously. Ii is certain that neither they nor I have the answer, so we might as well laugh. Mind you, I take my well-being as seriously as it deserves, but humor is as essential to my life as is water and air.

Two, when I write undeniably simple, I mean it. I find that most messages in this family are not. They claim simple, they assert easy…but they neglect the fact that the process of recalibrating our brains, our habits, our addictions, and our priorities is as close to possible, let alone probable, as is the likelihood of Kanye West hitting an intended note without auto-tune.

I am not going to bog myself or you down with copious footnotes, references, and research. But rest assured, you will improve your well-being. Also, the more of these things in which you engage, the more improved will be your health and happiness. Additionally, these things can, likely will cause you to live longer and have an improved quality of life through those extra days, months, or even years. This I promise. (That and a couple of bucks will get you a cheap cup of coffee.)

1. Smile

In the early 90’s, on college campuses, Hare Krishnas still roamed freely. I used to laugh at them. They were generally white people who had shaved off their dreadlocks, continued to not use deodorant, and dedicated their lives to playing percussion poorly, singing “Hare Krishna” with negligible musicality, and being perpetually pleasant while smelling unusually unpleasant. I was considerably less enlightened then. I understand something now.

The theory that if one simply practices unfettered joy, chants “praise Krishna” and smiles from one’s soul that one can become authentically happy is…well, empirically valid. Really. If you just practice smiling, greeting people you meet with joy…you can literally change your brain chemistry and become a happier person. A happier person is a less anxious person. And less anxious people live longer with a better quality of life to boot.

So if you just put a little effort, even if your default brain chemistry and attitude want to drag you back to negativity, into smiling…you can make yourself happier. When you smile, regardless of the social benefit, just the neuro-muscular process of smiling releases brain chemicals that promote well-being and happiness. I’ll repeat. You can make yourself happy by just practicing smiling. (If you feel self-conscious or worry about appearing to be cuckoo crazy to the world, just do it indiscriminately, in private moments, or go with the half-smile, or whatever.) The key is to break the myth of unidirectionality. Most of us believe that when we’re happy we smile. We neglect to practice the scientific fact that when we smile we become happy. Dig that, you dirty hippies and Caucasian Hindus.

2. Pay closer attention to people around whom you feel happy

You need no gratitude journal. You need no mentor. You need no medicine. (Not yet, at least.) No meditation. You need only pay attention to the way you feel. Specifically, the way you feel around the people with whom you spend more than just fleeting time. And furthermore, I want you only to focus on the people with whom you feel the happiest, the freest to be you, the most comfortable and relaxed. With whom do you feel most “at home” in this world? Now, you don’t even need (yet) to explore the answer to “Why?” or “How?” Nope. Just figure out who makes you feel the best, and spend more time with him/her/them. Also communicate with these people when they’re not around. Text. Email. Facebook. Etcetera. Happy people attract and beget happy people.

Also pay attention to the green world around us and avoid polluting it. Just the thought of making the world better for our children should make you happy. I have some friends who run a Kentucky dumpster rental service and they tell me it makes them so happy just to know they contribute in making our environment cleaner. It is important to feel good about yourself if you wnat to feel happy and happier. And it is so simple to clean up around you.

3. Pay closer attention to the contexts in which you feel happy

With what activities, places, events, or things do you feel light as a feather, like the rest of the world is non-existent, completely connected and relaxed and happy? For me, a nice, easy, non-race 3-5 mile run is one of those things. Listening to the music of my youth is another. Writing these essays, yet another. Hanging with my favorite podcasts, for certain. A few others: watching Vince Gilligan produced television, reading fiction, drinking a wee dram of whiskey, showering, sleeping (…more to come on that below…), and anything that makes me laugh.

You like videos of cooing babies? Watch the heck out of them. You dig on Chaka Kahn? Well, ain’t nobody does it better than her! When I’m in the midst of MY things I am fully present and completely happy. I find ways to do these things whenever I can. Furthermore, as I’ve attended to this endeavor, my list of things that make me feel happy has grown and thus I’m doing things that makes me happy more often. It’s a positive feedback loop. Again, happy attracts and begets happy. It’s like a snowball full of pure bliss rolling down a hill of powdery awesomeness and colliding with your body like a tsunami of “Aww yeah!”

4. Sleep

There is no question that if you sleep more you will be more alert, healthier, and happier. I’m not sure I can expand that further. It is that simple. If you typically go to bed at midnight and wake at 5, try going to bed at 11:45 for a week, then shift it to 11:30, and so on. The goal is 8-9 hours straight through, but for our purposes, fuhgeddaboutit. A journey of even 10 feet begins with one step and can only proceed one additional step at a time. Don’t worry about where you’re not. Hell, don’t worry about where you’re at. Just add 10 – 15 minutes at a time, per week, per month, whatever is doable for you.

5. Hydrate

You need more water than you are currently drinking, so drink more of it whenever you can. If you can ingest it without the addition of carbonation, sugar, and/or caffeine, all the better. However, I’m just talking about hydration. My university choir director gave me the best advice for knowing if I’m properly hydrated, and I’ll share it with you. After you pee and before flushing, look in the toilet. If your pee is clear or nearly clear and if you can’t really smell anything (…unless you recently ate asparagus…), you are well hydrated. The yellower and more pungent your pee, the less hydrated you are. Keep it clear, dear.

6. Walk outside

Walking outside gets you two things that will immediately make you happier, exercise and sunlight. The more exercise and sunlight you have in your life, the happier and healthier that life will be. Do you have a dog? Walk it out as much as you can. (Shoot…sun, exercise, and a loyal pet is the trifecta of non-chemically-enhanced bliss.)

You have a husband, wifey, significant other? Drag his or her tukus along, with the dog. Make it a quadfecta, if that’s even a thing. Find some cooing babies, carry water, take a nap mid-walk and drop that atomic happy bomb right on your cranium. Boom! A mushroom cloud of vitality rises above your head, showering you in unbreakable, unadulterated, undeniable happy.


4 Best Natural Remedies for Treating Chronic Pain

Posted on March 11, 2017 in Wellness

When it comes to treating chronic pain from certain medical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, the conventional prescription medications may not be as effective as you would hope them to be. This is one of the main reasons why individuals suffering from chronic pain also seek comfort in complementary, alternative and natural medicine.

Complementary and natural remedies and health practices range in a variety of methods like massage therapy, herbal supplements and yoga. At the latest count there are about 21 million adults in the US who practice yoga.

According to The National Health Interview Survey 5.1% of the population was using yoga as a complementary relief in the year 2002. By 2012, there were 9.5% who incorporated yoga as an alternative remedy. That is a stark increase for only 10 years!

The use of massage, yoga and herbal or natural supplements can be used as a complement or as an alternative to your prescribed medications. However, just like any kind of treatment, these alternative remedies may not work the same way for everyone.

According to Josephine P. Briggs, M.D., the director of the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH), there is a need for people to try different kinds of natural remedies in order to know what works well for them – it can be one treatment, and sometimes it can be several treatments combined.

Here are the top most sought after natural remedies you can opt for to help alleviate chronic pain.


This form of therapy can be used to ease body pain, decrease anxiety, reduce stress and fight depression. There are different kinds of massages but in general, they are used to manipulate your soft tissues and muscles and improve body circulation with the use of hand and arm pressure. Experimenting with different massages will let you know what works best for you.

Herbs, Spices and Other Natural Supplements

As you know, chronic pain is associated with many different health conditions, so it could be quite tricky to definitely point out what herbal remedy can help decrease your chronic pain. Among the popular choices are probiotics, fish oils, glucosamine, chondroitin and curcumin supplements.

You will find that there are certain natural supplements that work best with certain body conditions. For instance, the use of Devil’s claw, white willow bark, or turmeric curcumin supplements help take away the pain from joint inflammation or rheumatoid arthritis. The use of primrose or ginger may target muscle pain due to fibromyalgia. If you want to see reviews or if you are wondering where to buy turmeric supplements, primrose or white willow bark, you can find them at the online stores of reputable brands.

To learn more about the use of herbal supplements and their specific results, you can check some reliable websites to know what works best for each condition. Checking the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health website is a good place to start.

Another way to do it is to speak to a doctor who is knowledgeable about herbal remedies. It is also best to talk to your doctor before taking any natural herbal supplements as they may interfere with some medications like blood thinners.

Meditation or Mind and Body Techniques

There are numerous forms of meditation, like for example Mindful meditation, Mantra or Transcendental. This practice has been incorporated outside the religious context due to its ability to help relax the mind and body. Meditation can help manage chronic pain, reduce stress, improve mood and even treat anxiety. It is also a powerful method for helping you cope with other symptoms aside from pain.


For the last few decades, yoga has sprung to great popularity. It has become prevalent among young adults in the US. This form of meditation and exercise has been practiced in India for hundreds of years. It is believed to treat various mental and physical ailments that may plague people.

Aside from its ability to reduce stress, it also helps improve fitness. There have been reports that it is a great form of exercise for treating chronic back pain, due to the numerous strechinh exercises involved. This technique also teaches you the right way to breathe in order to achieve deep relaxation.

Considering alternative and natural remedies to complement your regular treatment is a great way for incorporating new activities and new experiences in your life. Attending yoga and meditation classes can also help improve your social life which has a positive effect on your stress and anxiety.

The use of herbs and natural supplements also help improve your nutrition and supports your overall health. Try different methods and techniques to know what works best in relieving your chronic pain.


Ancient Chinese medicine

Posted on January 13, 2017 in Wellness

Even today in the modern world, many of us still use traditional healing. Whether it be a form of concoction, pills, juices, topical ointments, meditation, acupuncture or acupressure, using the old methods are still effective.

China is known to be one of the busiest traders in the world. Aside from that, their medicine was considered to be very advanced centuries ago. Since this civilization has existed for thousands of years, they had the opportunity to experiment how exactly their medicines work. As told by the old legends in China, the heavens had sent them wise kings to help them survive the hostile environment.

There’s also another legend that the kings that were sent by the heavens tasted all the plants that thrived in nature. These kings identified which among the plants are useable for medicine and which are not. From then on, the people of China made use of these plants to create their medicine.

For us to understand how and why traditional Chinese medicine has remained to be relevant, we must know its history and how it has evolved to be an intricate profession in China.

One famous traditional medicine that is still used today is the acupuncture. Its origins in the Shang times around 4000 years ago, tells us that this treatment should be effective as it is still practiced today. Though this practice can be modified, acupuncture uses 9 needles and are strategically punctured to the skin.

An expert and a professional only knows how to adjust the placement of the needles. This medicinal practice, and now considered an art, has been used since the stone age. The knowledge has been passed down from father to son for many generations.

The concept of Yin and Yang was introduced in Taoism. Yin and Yang tells us that in life, we are deeply connected to the environment. One example of this concept tells us that in the circle of life, you will have a dark and shady side and a sunny and happy disposition. Keeping both characteristics in proper balance is the key to a harmonious life.

It is believed in Taoism that if one side is thwarted off balance, you will most likely get sick. The teachings in Taoism in regards to medicine is that in order to live a healthy and happy life, you must keep your yin and yang balanced. One literal example that they teach is eating good food, and doing some exercise will decrease stress.

The Han Dynasty was the most enlightening age of traditional Chinese medicine. Chinese healers are now considered to be doctors. They write books about their experience in treating people and medicine in general. The government has mandated that only healers or doctors with proper knowledge are allowed to practice medicine.

In turn, a very strong medical ethics developed in their community. Schools were established to share the knowledge of medicine. This time, the knowledge of medicine is no longer passed from father to son. Students can learn medical skill and become doctors if they want to.

As you see, traditional Chinese medicine has been used since the dawn of time. The reason why so many people stand by it is due to the fact that it has been effective for thousands of years. If you’d read how they make their medicine from plants, you’ll know how they already have a system of measurements long before mathematicians considered it a real thing.

As soon as books and manuals by experts were published, more and more people gained access to treating and healing their ailments. Yes, many still find it mysterious, but if you study it, you’ll find yourself fascinated on this multifaceted practice by the Chinese.


The Diabetes Epidemic

Posted on November 2, 2016 in Wellness

Diabetes, like cancer, is one of the leading causes of deaths all over the world. According to the World Health Organization, the number of people with diabetes has increased from 108 million in 1988 to 422 million in 2014. The prevalence of diabetes has rapidly increased in middle-low income families. Moreover, the biggest irony is the fact that there are about 800 million chronically hungry people all over the world, yet about 70% of the world’s adult population is either obese or overweight. (Source:

Health Problem in the Modern World


It is only in the late 20th century that the concerns in dietary issues in developing countries have shifted from undernutrition particularly anemia and stunting to obesity. This dramatic change in a matter of decades does not only affect affluent societies, but low-and-middle income countries as well.

Based on reports, adiposity cases or those who are severely or morbidly overweight, are increasing everywhere. What’s interesting, however, is that the epidemiology differs based on when the obesity epidemic started.

For example, in North America and Europe, the highest cases of obesity are prevalent among people who belong to the lower-income groups. Usually, these people live in urban areas where fast food outlets are common.

On the other hand, the Asia-Pacific region first saw obesity cases among wealthy urban people. Eventually, the spread reached the urban slums and impoverished rural areas. The same pattern is being observed among rapidly developing countries. What’s alarming is that undernutrition and obesity can occur at the same time in the same state, same neighborhood, and even in the same household.

How does this affect you personally?

The increase of overweight cases in a populace is lifestyle related. It is a chronic disease that contributes to cardiovascular problems and certain types of cancer. On top of this, diabetes comes with complications such as need for dialysis, amputations, and even blindness.

It affects you personally because for the first time in history, economic growth which is supposed to be linked to better health outcomes, has in fact created a market of unhealthy foods and sedentary lifestyle.

It is the biggest health epidemic of the 21st century and, despite multiple efforts, no country has ever successfully managed this problem. In fact, figures from World Health Organization show an increase in the global prevalence of diabetes in the adult population.

This means you and your loved ones are as vulnerable as anyone to this disease. There are ways to manage diabetes and the best way to control it is to start with yourself.

Managing Diabetes

Know that diabetes, especially if detected earlier, can be successfully managed. But before you do this, you need to know the disease first.

A person has diabetes when the pancreas fails to produce or effectively use insulin, a hormone that our body uses to regulate sugar. If diabetes remains uncontrolled, a condition known as hyperglycaemia occurs. If untreated, this condition can lead to serious damage in the system as well as the blood vessels and nerves.

To avoid diabetes, you will need to have a healthy body weight and be able to maintain it. This is done through continuous physical activities, cutting tobacco use, and eating healthy. As mentioned in the statistics earlier, the proliferation of fast food joints among communities has aligned with the increase of obesity cases in the same community.

This means avoid eating fast food like a plague. Instead, put effort into the food that you eat. Choose fruits and vegetables instead of burger and fries. At the same time, find physical activities that you enjoy. You will notice how eating healthy and maintaining an active lifestyle can affect your mood, self-esteem, productivity, and overall outlook in life.

Diabetes has become an epidemic due to lack of foresight. Many people live in autopilot while embracing all the convenience that modern life has to offer. You only live once. Own your power to be healthy and do not be a part of the diabetes epidemic.
